Invitation to Educational Trailblazers!

In our quest for dedicated and seasoned educators, we extend a warm invitation to become an integral part of our student-centric academic community.

Ideal candidates must possess a substantial 3-5 years of experience underpinned by a fundamental belief that places students at the pinnacle of educational endeavors.

If you are adept at curating captivating and thriving learning environments that not only value but empower children, we wholeheartedly encourage you to apply.

Kindly share your CV and a recent passport-sized photograph at

Requirement :

CBSE Trained Sanskrit teacher

Pre - Primary : Montessori and Kindergarten

Primary and Middle School Level : English, Hindi, French, Kannada, Mathematics, Science, Social, Computer Science

High School : English,Hindi, French, Social Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics

Senior Coordinator

Non - Teaching : Yoga, Art, Music, Physical Education Teacher (Lady applicants only), Life skill/Wellness Counsellor Female PE Instructor